Helping stars to shine brightly
Our teachers in Robin Class are:
Miss Cresswell
Miss Cresswell is our teacher in Robin Class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. She loves to teach us lots of new and exciting things. She also likes to dance, paint and read us lots of stories.
Mrs Tucker
Mrs Tucker is our teacher in Robin Class on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She loves to teach us lots of new and exciting things. She also likes to play games, sing songs and teach us counting songs.
Mrs Philbrick
Mrs Philbrick is our lovely teaching assistant in Robin Class. She helps us with our learning, listens to us read and looks after us if we hurt ourselves and need first aid.
A reminder that our PE session each week is Wednesday morning.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school by 13th September 2023.
For any enquiries please contact your teacher through the Seesaw app or for general enquiries email; [email protected]
Please remember to download our learning platform, Seesaw. Here you will find frequent updates and highlights of your children’s learning.Please don't forget to follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram @stamshaw_infants for regular updates and photos of school in action!
More to come soon!