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  • Helping stars to shine brightly

  • Peacock (Year 2)

    We would like to warmly welcome you to Peacock Class!

    • Our Teachers are: Mrs Spicer and Mrs Malyon
    • Our Teaching Assistant is: Mrs Straw

    Our topics

    Autumn 1

    This term we will be learning all about Castles and what life was like for the people who live in them. We will look at the jobs people did inside the castle, make a model drawbridge and look at the features of real life castles near us. Your child will need to bring in a cerreal box for this term please.

    Autumn 2

    This term we will be travelling back in time to 1666 and The Great Fire fo London. We will learn about life in 1666, the style of houses and investigate how the fire started. We will find out about the evidence that tells us all about the fire and we will learn more about Samuel Pepys; the man who wrote the diary with lots of information about the fire. We will also be comparing life in 1666 to life now and investigating how London has changed over the years.

    Spring 1

    This term, we will be blasting off into Space for our Spring 1 topic. We will be learning simple facts about the planets in our solar system and learning a catchy song to remember their order from the sun! We will be learning about famous people who have travelled into space, including local legend: Tim Peake! We will be developing our DT skills by constructing a mars rover complete with wheels, chassis and axels! We will enjoy listening to 'The Planets' by Gustav Holst. Did you know, Gustav Holst is buried in Chichester Cathedral? We cannot wait to share this exciting learning journey with you all.

    Spring 2

    We will be learning all about Roald Dahl and will read some of the many books he wrote inhis lifetime. We will enjoy making our own potions, just George did in the book 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and we will write stories about the affects it has on Grandma...but don't worry, it will only be a pretend Grandma!

    Summer 1

    This term we will be learning all about Explorers, both old and new! We will learn about the places they have explored and will compare old and new equipment to see how much things have changed over the last few hundred years or so. We will be looking at the different continents that they explored, so dust off your geography skills!

    Summer 2

    This term we will be learning about different habitats and how the animals that live in them are best suited to those habitats. We will be learning about animal life cycles and food chains and all the different places that they live around the world.

    Parents, please make sure that you have downloaded the SeeSaw app to keep up to date with some of the wonderful work that your child is doing in school.

    For any enquiries please contact your teacher through the Seesaw app or for general enquiries email; [email protected]